Alaric Yuson Net Worth (2024)

Alaric Riam Yuson is also called Anygma. He made FlipTop Battle League, the biggest rap battle group in the Philippines.

Yuson has a net worth of  $1 million, mostly from his YouTube channel money and rap battle industry.

He is also a rapper, a music maker, and a person who plans events. He has been doing hip hop music in his country since 2004.

He finished his studies in Philosophy at Ateneo de Manila University in 2010.

He was born on October 17, 1986 in Manila, Philippines. He is a fan of comic books, video games, and martial arts.

He made FlipTop in 2010 with two other people. They liked the rap battle groups from other countries like Grind Time Now, King of the Dot, and Don't Flop.

FlipTop also has different kinds of rap battles, such as Dos por Dos, Femcee Battle, Royal Rumble, and Promo Battle.

Yuson thinks that money should not be the main reason for rapping, and that love for the music should always come first.

He also does other things and events related to hip hop, such as the Philippine Hip Hop Awards, the FlipTop Festival, and the FlipTop Kru Corp, a company that he made himself.

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